Game on — How Video Games Can Inspire a Career in Insurance

January 17, 2019

Whether you’re steering a high-flying plane through the jungle, battling a zombie apocalypse, or farming for a village, video games are full of excitement. The magical, virtual world provides endless entertainment. In fact, many people wish that reality could mirror the gaming world.

Unfortunately, while favorite characters and alternate universes don’t exist, many of the skills and challenges in these games do. The insurance industry has numerous careers that encompass the same elements that make gaming so fun. Check out our recommendation for your insurance career, based on your gaming preferences.

The stuntman
If you’re great at navigating slick terrains or consistently score style points for your tricks, consider a career as a claims adjuster. Currently, adjusters are being trained to operate drones for site visits. Previously, they would go to the site equipped with personal protective equipment and tools for documenting damage. Drones take the danger out of site visits. They also allow for greater detail in small spaces, and permit virtual visits that save time and money. By working as a claims adjuster, your navigation skills will be put to the test as you work to provide solutions for your customers.

The fantasy world warrior
Those who strategize, build and protect empires are well suited for a career in risk management. Risk management professionals are critical thinkers who protect insureds from safety threats, based on their type of coverage. They work with insureds to identify risk, create custom solutions and lead behavioral changes that reduce claims. Do you have what it takes to help an organization thrive? Utilize your innovation and creativity to improve the business processes of your client.

The lifestyle gamer
If you like caring for virtual people, pets and communities, then a career as an underwriter could be right for you. Underwriters work with agencies, policyholders and their communities to attract clients and write policies for the clients they obtain. They spend time understanding the lifestyle of each customer and then utilize that information to suggest a policy. This job also requires precise calculations when determining coverage limits or custom quotes. With a career in underwriting, you can utilize your compassion and critical thinking skills on a daily basis.

Still unsure about a career in insurance? Maybe a different position aligns better with your personality. Check out more options here.
